' This is a conversion of my first program, written in 1979 in Basic
' Tested with Office 2007 under Windows 7
Sub Priem()
5 t2$ = "Prime Numbers "
t1$ = t1$ + "Number of Prime Numbers ?"
y0$ = InputBox(t1$, t2$, "10")
N1 = Val(y0$)
Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is a listing of " + Str$(N1) + " Prime numbers :"
N = 0: V = 0
k1 = 1: k2 = 1: n2 = 18
For j1 = 1 To n2 - 1 Step 2
Cells(2, j1).Value = "Nr"
Cells(2, j1 + 1).Value = "Priem"
Next j1
For j1 = 1 To N1
160 V = V + 1
Y = Int(V / 2 + 0.5)
For X = 2 To Y
Z = V / X
W = Int(Z)
If Z = W Then GoTo 160
Next X
N = N + 1
Cells(1, 17).Value = N: Cells(1, 18).Value = V
Cells(k1 + 3, k2).Value = N: Cells(k1 + 3, k2 + 1).Value = V
k2 = k2 + 2: If k2 > n2 Then k2 = 1: k1 = k1 + 1
Next j1
Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(k1, 18)).Select: Selection.Columns.AutoFit
End Sub