Vorige Pagina About the Author

' Constructs Order 14 Generators, Consecutive Prime Numbers

' Tested with Office 365 under Windows 10

Sub MgcLns14()

Dim a1(196), a(14), b1(2500), b(2500)

y = MsgBox("Blocked", vbExclamation, "MgcLns14")


    Clmn14 = 3             'Column Number
    For i1 = 1 To 196
        a1(i1) = Sheets("Ranges14").Cells(i1 + 1, Clmn14).Value
    Next i1
    s14 = Sheets("Ranges14").Cells(1, Clmn14).Value

    For i1 = 1 To 196
        b1(a1(i1)) = a1(i1)
    Next i1

n14 = 196

Erase b

'   Block Corner Square (8 x 8), if applicable

    For i1 = 1 To 9
    For i2 = 1 To 9
        x = Cells(i1, i2).Value
        b(x) = x
    Next i2
    Next i1

For j1 = 1 To n14

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 1).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(1) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j1)) = a1(j1) Then GoTo 10
    a(1) = a1(j1)
End If

For j2 = n14 To j1 + 1 Step -1

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 2).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(2) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j2)) = a1(j2) Then GoTo 20
    a(2) = a1(j2)
End If

For j3 = j1 + 1 To n14

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 3).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(3) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j3)) = a1(j3) Then GoTo 30
    a(3) = a1(j3)
End If

For j4 = n14 To j3 + 1 Step -1

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 4).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(4) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j4)) = a1(j4) Then GoTo 40
    a(4) = a1(j4)

    If a(4) = a(2) Then GoTo 40
End If

For j5 = j3 + 1 To n14

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 5).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(5) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j5)) = a1(j5) Then GoTo 50
    a(5) = a1(j5)
End If

For j6 = n14 To j5 + 1 Step -1

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 6).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(6) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j6)) = a1(j6) Then GoTo 60
    a(6) = a1(j6)
    If a(6) = a(2) Or a(6) = a(4) Then GoTo 60
End If

For j7 = j5 + 1 To n14

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 7).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(7) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j7)) = a1(j7) Then GoTo 70
    a(7) = a1(j7)
End If

For j8 = n14 To j7 + 1 Step -1

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 8).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(8) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j8)) = a1(j8) Then GoTo 80
    a(8) = a1(j8)
End If

If a(8) = a(2) Or a(8) = a(4) Or a(8) = a(6) Then GoTo 80

For j9 = j7 + 1 To n14

x = Cells(n9 + 1, 9).Value
If n9 < 10 And x <> 0 Then
    a(9) = x: b(x) = x
    If b(a1(j9)) = a1(j9) Then GoTo 90
    a(9) = a1(j9)
End If

For j10 = n14 To j9 + 1 Step -1
If b(a1(j10)) = a1(j10) Then GoTo 100
a(10) = a1(j10)

If a(10) = a(2) Or a(10) = a(4) Or a(10) = a(6) Or a(10) = a(8) Then GoTo 100

For j11 = j9 + 1 To n14
If b(a1(j11)) = a1(j11) Then GoTo 110
a(11) = a1(j11)

For j12 = n14 To j11 + 1 Step -1
If b(a1(j12)) = a1(j12) Then GoTo 120
a(12) = a1(j12)

For j13 = j10 + 1 To n14
If b(a1(j13)) = a1(j13) Then GoTo 130
a(13) = a1(j13)

a(14) = s14 - a(1) - a(2) - a(3) - a(4) - a(5) - a(6) - a(7) - a(8) - a(9) - a(10) - a(11) - a(12) - a(13)
If a(14) < a1(1) Or a(14) > a1(196) Then GoTo 130
If b(a(14)) = a(14) Then GoTo 130
If b1(a(14)) <> a(14) Then GoTo 130

    GoSub 500: If fl1 = 0 Then GoTo 130     'Check Identical Numbers
    n9 = n9 + 1:
    For i1 = 1 To 14
        Cells(n9, i1).Value = a(i1)
    Next i1
    Cells(n9, 15).Value = n9
''  Cells(n9, 16).Value = n14
    For i1 = 1 To 14
        b(a(i1)) = a(i1)
    Next i1
    GoTo 10


130 Next j13
120 Next j12
110 Next j11
100 Next j10
90 Next j9
80 Next j8
70 Next j7
60 Next j6
50 Next j5
40 Next j4
30 Next j3
20 Next j2
10 Next j1

'  Print Remainder (If applicable)

If n9 < 14 Then

''y = MsgBox(CStr(n9), 0, "Test")

i2 = 0
For i1 = 1 To 196
    i3 = a1(i1)

    If b(i3) = 0 Then
        i2 = i2 + 1
        Cells(n9 + 1, i2).Value = i3
    End If
Next i1

End If


'  Check Line

500 fl1 = 1

    For i1 = 1 To 14
        a2 = a(i1)
        For i2 = i1 + 1 To 14
            If a(i2) = a2 Then fl1 = 0: Return
        Next i2
    Next i1


End Sub

Vorige Pagina About the Author