Office Applications and Entertainment, Magic Squares

Vorige Pagina Volgende Pagina Index About the Author

12.7   Magic Squares (13 x 13)

12.7.1 Composed Magic Squares, Overlapping Sub Squares

Previous section described a classical Magic Square of order 13, with miscellaneous each other asymmetrically - Overlapping Sub Squares.

An alternative example of an order 13 Composed Magic Square with each other Overlapping Sub Squares is provided below:

Mc13 = 1105
169 163 64 17 9 88 39 95 121 155 136 24 25
5 3 151 108 147 96 124 89 42 22 27 139 152
159 38 13 103 48 149 128 81 46 18 31 143 148
21 122 67 157 132 11 49 75 131 145 146 34 15
74 23 62 19 167 165 30 141 84 44 97 129 70
82 161 153 106 7 1 140 86 29 111 117 53 59
133 36 78 93 150 20 85 28 142 100 41 73 126
45 127 43 125 26 91 138 130 107 69 51 99 54
77 92 134 37 79 144 32 47 56 118 102 104 83
168 154 10 8 137 61 57 80 98 60 94 58 120
6 12 156 166 55 65 135 50 112 76 110 72 90
4 14 158 164 35 105 115 87 66 68 52 114 123
162 160 16 2 113 109 33 116 71 119 101 63 40

The Magic Square shown above is composed out of:

  • Two 6th order Partly Compact Associated Magic Corner Squares (s6 = 6 * s1 / 13),
  • Two 7th order Overlapping Magic Corner Squares (s7 = 7 * s1 / 13) each composed of:
    - One 4th order Associated Magic Square (s4 = 4 * s1 / 13)
    - One 3th order Semi       Magic Square (s3 = 3 * s1 / 13)
    - Two Associated Magic Rectangles order 3 x 4.

Based on this definition a routine can be developed to generate subject Composed Magic Squares (ref. Priem13d).

Attachment 14.10.7 shows miscellaneous order 13 Composed Magic Squares with Overlapping Sub Squares, which could be found with subject routine.

Alternatively order 13 Magic Squares, with two 7th order Overlapping Sub Squares with identical Magic Sums can be constructed based on suitable selected Latin Sub Squares as illustrated in Section 25.5.

12.7.2 Composed Magic Squares, Square Inlays Order 6 and 7

Associated Magic Squares of order 13 with Square Inlays of order 6 and 7 can be obtained by means of a transformation of order 13 Composed Magic Squares, as illustrated in Section 7.8.1 for order 7 Magic Squares.

Mc13 = 1105
169 163 62 19 9 88 56 146 53 44 35 127 134
5 3 112 147 106 137 148 41 66 70 90 86 94
124 72 55 63 123 73 51 68 136 141 130 42 27
97 47 107 115 98 46 143 128 40 29 34 102 119
33 64 23 58 167 165 76 84 80 100 104 129 22
82 161 151 108 7 1 36 43 135 126 117 24 114
57 168 30 162 83 10 65 17 101 157 122 37 96
166 28 61 152 77 26 103 155 71 11 95 39 121
32 59 164 14 91 150 159 99 15 67 49 131 75
16 81 158 12 89 154 13 69 153 105 74 133 48
20 79 156 6 111 138 149 50 25 116 132 45 78
144 93 18 109 142 4 52 60 110 118 31 85 139
160 87 8 140 2 113 54 145 120 21 92 125 38

The Composed Magic Square shown above is composed out of:

  • One 6th order Partly Compact Associated Magic Corner Square (s6 = 6 * s1 / 13),
  • One 7th order Semi Magic Corner Square (s7 = 7 * s1 / 13) composed of:
    - One 4th order Associated Magic Square (s4 = 4 * s1 / 13)
    - One 3th order Simple     Magic Square (s3 = 3 * s1 / 13)
    - Two Associated Magic Rectangles order 3 x 4,
  • Two Associated Magic Rectangles order 6 x 7
    each with two Embedded order 3 Semi Magic Squares (s3 = 3 * s1 / 13).

Based on this definition a routine can be developed to generate subject Composed Magic Squares (ref. Priem13c).

  • Attachment 14.10.5 shows miscellaneous order 13 Composed Magic Square, which could be found with subject routine.
  • Attachment 14.10.4 shows the corresponding Magic Squares with Associated Corner Squares and Rectangles.
  • Attachment 14.10.6 shows the resulting order 13 Associated Magic Squares with order 6 and 7 Square Inlays.

It should be noted that the reversed transformation is not necessarily possible because of the bottom-left / top-right Main Diagonal.

12.7.3 Associated Magic Squares
       Associated Center Square Order 7

Associated Magic Squares of order 13 with an Associated Center Square of order 7 can be obtained by means of transformation of order 13 Composed Magic Squares as illustrated in Section 9.7.5 for order 9 Magic Squares.

Mc13 = 1105
169 163 62 56 146 53 44 35 127 134 19 9 88
5 3 112 148 41 66 70 90 86 94 147 106 137
124 72 55 51 68 136 141 130 42 27 63 123 73
57 168 30 65 122 17 37 101 96 157 162 83 10
166 28 61 149 132 50 45 25 78 116 152 77 26
32 59 164 103 95 155 39 71 121 11 14 91 150
16 81 158 52 31 60 85 110 139 118 12 89 154
20 79 156 159 49 99 131 15 75 67 6 111 138
144 93 18 54 92 145 125 120 38 21 109 142 4
160 87 8 13 74 69 133 153 48 105 140 2 113
97 47 107 143 128 40 29 34 102 119 115 98 46
33 64 23 76 84 80 100 104 129 22 58 167 165
82 161 151 36 43 135 126 117 24 114 108 7 1

Attachment 14.10.8 shows the Associated Magic Squares with order 7 Associated Center Squares, corresponding with the Composed Magic Squares as shown in Attachment 14.10.4.

It should be noted that the reversed transformation is not necessarily possible because of the bottom-left / top-right Main Diagonal.

12.7.4 Composed Magic Squares, Associated Border
       Square Inlays Order 5 and 6 (overlapping)

The 13th order Composed Inlaid Magic Square shown below:

Mc13 = 1105
169 168 167 166 165 164 49 8 9 10 11 12 7
157 24 41 58 127 116 60 150 46 47 118 136 25
156 111 108 77 22 19 89 100 148 50 130 69 26
39 31 34 65 120 123 53 71 96 134 67 129 143
29 113 106 79 20 21 87 140 61 128 35 133 153
28 32 33 66 119 124 52 36 146 138 147 30 154
15 115 104 81 18 23 85 48 125 94 135 107 155
16 117 45 43 73 75 112 151 72 105 62 92 142
17 42 98 70 59 84 40 93 80 139 90 152 141
27 57 44 63 88 101 126 137 86 91 76 78 131
144 83 102 74 38 56 82 51 122 97 132 110 14
145 54 64 103 95 37 149 114 109 68 99 55 13
163 158 159 160 161 162 121 6 5 4 3 2 1
426 497
353 594

contains following inlays:

  • two each 6th order Compact Pan Magic Squares - Magic Sums s(1) = 426 and s(4) = 594 - with the center element in common,
  • two each 5th order Simple Magic Squares with Magic Sums s(2) = 497 and s(3) = 353.

The relation between the Magic Sums s(1), s(2), s(3) and s(4) is:

 s(1) = 12 * s1 / 13 - s(4)
 s(2) = 10 * s1 / 13 - s(3)

With s1 = 1105 the Magic Sum of the 13th order Inlaid Magic Square.

The Associated Border can be described by following linear equations:

a(162) =  - s1 / 13 + a(164) - s(3) + s(4)
a(161) =  - s1 / 13 + a(165) - s(3) + s(4)
a(160) =  - s1 / 13 + a(166) - s(3) + s(4)
a(159) =  - s1 / 13 + a(167) - s(3) + s(4)
a(158) =  - s1 / 13 + a(168) - s(3) + s(4)
a(157) = 18*s1 / 13 - a(163) - 2*a(164) - 2*a(165) - 2*a(166) - 2*a(167) - 2*a(168) - a(169) + 5*s(3) - 5*s(4)
a(144) =    s1      - a(156) - s(3) - s(4)
a(131) =    s1      - a(143) - s(3) - s(4)
a(118) =    s1      - a(130) - s(3) - s(4)
a(105) =    s1      - a(117) - s(3) - s(4)
a( 92) =    s1      - a(104) - s(3) - s(4)
a( 91) = 66*s1 / 13 - 2*a(104) - 2*a(117) - 2*a(130) - 2*a(143) - 2*a(156) + a(157) - a(169) - 5*s(3) - 5*s(4)

a(79) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a( 91)
a(78) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a( 92)
a(66) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(104)
a(65) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(105)
a(53) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(117)
a(52) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(118)
a(40) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(130)
a(39) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(131)

a(27) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(143)
a(26) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(144)
a(14) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(156)
a(13) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(157)
a(12) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(158)
a(11) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(159)
a(10) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(160)
a( 9) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(161)

a(8) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(162)
a(7) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(163)
a(6) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(164)
a(5) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(165)
a(4) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(166)
a(3) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(167)
a(2) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(168)
a(1) = 2 * s1 / 13 - a(169)

Which can be incorporated in an optimised guessing routine MgcSqr13k1.

The Magic Center Squares can be constructed by means of:

  • A guessing routine, based on the defining linear equations as deducted in Section 6.09.3, resulting in the two each other overlapping 6th order Compact Pan Magic Sub Squares (ref. Priem6a).
  • A guessing routine, based on the defining linear equations as deducted in Section 3.2.2, resulting in the two 5th order Simple Magic Sub Squares (ref. Priem5b).

Attachment 14.9.9 shows a few 13th order Inlaid Magic Squares for the Magic Sums s(1) = 426 , s(2) = 497, s(3) = 353 and s(4) = 594.

Each square shown corresponds with numerous solutions, which can be obtained by variation of the four inlays and the border.

12.7.5 Associated Magic Squares, Diamond Inlays Order 6 and 7

The 13th order Associated Inlaid Magic Square shown below:

Mc13 = 1105
10 158 156 16 82 86 123 100 34 56 116 130 38
152 22 140 26 78 91 1 107 42 62 112 126 146
150 124 48 50 111 3 77 157 41 32 98 104 110
28 36 52 49 147 99 159 113 137 29 64 102 90
164 74 67 139 43 149 65 5 143 37 45 8 166
168 115 75 83 9 53 7 69 97 81 153 119 76
39 145 135 19 109 155 85 15 61 151 35 25 131
94 51 17 89 73 101 163 117 161 87 95 55 2
4 162 125 133 27 165 105 21 127 31 103 96 6
80 68 106 141 33 57 11 71 23 121 118 134 142
60 66 72 138 129 13 93 167 59 120 122 46 20
24 44 58 108 128 63 169 79 92 144 30 148 18
132 40 54 114 136 70 47 84 88 154 14 12 160

contains following Diamond Inlays:

  • one each 6th order Associated Diamond Inlay with Magic Sum s6 = 510,
  • one each 7th order Associated Diamond Inlay with Magic Sum s7 = 595.

As the order 6 and 7 Diamond Inlays contain only odd numbers, the Associated Inlaid Magic Square is a Lozenge Square.

The method to generate order 13 Associated Lozenge Squares with order 6 and 7 Diamond Inlays has been discussed in Section 18.7.4.

12.7.6 Summary

The obtained results regarding the miscellaneous types of order 13 Magic Squares as deducted and discussed in previous sections are summarised in following table:






Sub Squares Order 6 and 7


Attachment 14.10.7


Sub Squares Order 6 and 7


Attachment 14.10.5


Square Inlays Order 6 and 7


Attachment 14.10.6


Center Square Order 7


Attachment 14.10.8


Square Inlays Order 5 and 6


Attachment 14.9.9





Comparable routines as listed above, can be used to generate alternative types of order 13 Magic Squares.

Vorige Pagina Volgende Pagina Index About the Author