Office Applications and Entertainment, Magic Squares

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14.0    Special Magic Squares, Prime Numbers

14.33   Magic Squares (13 x 13), Composed

14.33.1 Introduction

In Section 12.6 a detailed description and analysis has been provided of one of the 13th order Composed Magic Squares for distinct integers, as previously published by William Symes Andrews (1909).

It has been proven and illustrated that comparable squares, composed out of each other overlapping sub squares, can be constructed with a Pan Magic Center Square.

This section will describe how comparable squares can be constructed for prime numbers. While doing so, a number of interesting prime number based sub squares will be found and described as well.

For the sake of the analysis the 13th order Magic Square, composed out of each other overlapping sub squares, will be represented as shown below. The important key variables have been highlighted in blue.

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13
a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19 a20 a21 a22 a23 a24 a25 a26
a27 a28 a29 a30 a31 a32 a33 a34 a35 a36 a37 a38 a39
a40 a41 a42 a43 a44 a45 a46 a47 a48 a49 a50 a51 a52
a53 a54 a55 a56 a57 a58 a59 a60 a61 a62 a63 a64 a65
a66 a67 a68 a69 a70 a71 a72 a73 a74 a75 a76 a77 a78
a79 a80 a81 a82 a83 a84 a85 a86 a87 a88 a89 a90 a91
a92 a93 a94 a95 a96 a97 a98 a99 a100 a101 a102 a103 a104
a105 a106 a107 a108 a109 a110 a111 a112 a113 a114 a115 a116 a117
a117 a119 a120 a121 a122 a123 a124 a125 a126 a127 a128 a129 a130
a131 a132 a133 a134 a135 a136 a137 a138 a139 a140 a141 a142 a143
a144 a145 a146 a147 a148 a149 a150 a151 a152 a153 a154 a155 a156
a157 a158 a159 a160 a161 a162 a163 a164 a165 a166 a167 a168 a169

The 13th order Magic Square J, with Magic Sum s1, contains following sub squares:

  • One 5th order Pan Magic Center Square C (MC5 = 5 * s1 / 13);
  • One 5th order Magic Corner Square G (MC5 = 5 * s1 / 13), the element a(109) = s1 / 13 common with C;
  • One 3th order Embedded Semi Magic Square M (MC3 = 3 * s1 / 13), eccentric in G (right top);
  • Four 4th order Magic Border Squares (MC4 = 4 * s1 / 13): A and B (left), D and E (bottom);
  • Two each other overlapping 7th order Magic Squares (MC7 = 7 * s1 / 13):
    - I with C in the left bottom corner and
    - L with C in the right top corner;
  • Two each other overlapping 9th order Magic Squares (MC9 = 9 * s1 / 13):
    - F composed out of B (left top), G (left bottom), D (right bottom) and C (right top)
    - H with eccentric embedded I (left bottom) and C (left bottom).
  • One 11th order Eccentric Magic Square K (MC11 = 11 * s1 / 13).

14.33.2 Analysis (Sub Squares)

As a consequence of the properties described in Section 14.33.1 above, the 13th order Magic Square J is composed out of:

  • a Magic Center Square C with a Magic Sum MC5 = 5 * s1 / 13 and
  • 72 pairs, each summing to 2 * s1 / 13, distributed over two layers, surrounding square C.

Magic Corner Square G

If the Magic Corner Square G is represented as:


























with Magic Sum s5, the equations defining the Magic Corner Square can be written as:

a(21) =     s5   - a(22) - a(23) - a(24) - a(25)	
a(20) = 2 * s5/5 - a(25)	
a(19) = 2 * s5/5 - a(24)	
a(18) = 2 * s5/5 - a(23)	
a(17) = 2 * s5/5 - a(21)	
a(16) = 2 * s5/5 - a(22)	
a(13) = 3 * s5/5 - a(14) - a(15)	
a(11) = 2 * s5/5 - a(12)	
a(10) = 2 * s5/5 - a(15)	
a( 9) = 2 * s5/5 - a(13)	
a( 8) = 2 * s5/5 - a(14)	
a( 7) =(4 * s5/5 - a(12) - a(13) + a(21) - a(22) + a(24) - a(25)) / 2	
a( 6) = 2 * s5/5 - a( 7)	
a( 5) =     s5/5	
a( 4) = 4 * s5/5 - 2 * a(14) - a(15)	
a( 3) = 2 * s5/5 - a( 4)	
a( 2) = 4 * s5/5 - a( 6) - a(14) - a(15) - a(24) + a(25)	
a( 1) = 2 * s5/5 - a( 2)	

a routine can be written to generate subject Prime Number Magic Corner Squares of order 5 (ref. PriemG5).

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Prime Number Magic Corner Square G.

Pan Magic Center Square C

Pan Magic Center Squares with Magic Sum s5 and corner element s5/5 (bottom/left), can be obtained by translation of Ultra Magic Squares.

Based on the equations for Ultra Magic Squares as deducted in Section 14.3.5, a procedure (PriemC5) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated Magic Corner Squares G;
  • to generate Ultra Magic Squares, based on the remainder of the available pairs;
  • to translate the Ultra Magic Squares into the required Pan Magic Squares C.

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Prime Number Pan Magic Center Square C with corner element s5/5.

The obtained Magic Corner Squares G and related Ultra Magic Squares can be used as input for a suitable guessing routine to generate the 9th order Composed Magic Squares F, which will discussed below.

Semi Magic Square M

The 3th order Semi Magic Square M, embedded in the Magic Corner Square G, as mentioned in Section 14.33.1 above, is a consequence of the defining properties of the Magic Corner Square G.

Magic Border Squares A, B, D and E

If the Magic Border Square A is represented as:

















with Magic Sum s4, the equations defining the Magic Border Square A can be written as:

a(15) = s4/2 - a(16)	
a(13) = s4/2 - a(14)	
a(11) = s4/2 - a(12)	
a( 9) = s4/2 - a(10)	
a( 8) =(s4   + a(10) - a(12) - a(14) - a(16))/2	
a( 7) = s4/2 - a( 8)	
a( 6) = s4/2 - a( 7) - a(10) + a(12)	
a( 5) = s4/2 - a( 6)	
a( 4) = s4/2 - a( 5) - a(12) + a(14)	
a( 3) = s4/2 - a( 4)	
a( 2) = s4   - a( 4) - a(10) - a(12)	
a( 1) = s4/2 - a( 2)	

Comparable equations can be applied for the Magic Border Squares B, D and E.

It should be noted that the Border Squares D and E require a transposition around the axis a(4) ... a(13).

Subject equations can be incorporated in suitable guessing routines:

  • to generate the Composed Magic Squares F, based on the squares B and D (PriemF9);
  • to generate Partly Completed Squares J1, based on the squares A and E (PriemJ13);

which will be discussed below.

Magic Square F

The 9th order Magic Square F is composed out of B (left top), G (left bottom), D (right bottom) and C (right top) and includes the Magic Square L

The 4th order Border Magic Squares B and D should be selected in such a way that:

      a(55) + a(69) + a(83) + a(97) + a(111) + a(125) + a(139) = MC7

thus ensuring that the Sub Square L will be magic as well.

Comparable with Section 14.7.1 a procedure (PriemF9) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated 5th order Magic Corner Squares G;
  • to read the related previously generated 5th order Ultra Magic Squares;
  • to translate the Ultra Magic Squares into the required Pan Magic Squares C;
  • to generate the additional 4th order Magic Squares B and D, based on the remainder of the available pairs, while ensuring that L is magic;
  • to complete the 9th order Composed Magic Squares F.

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Prime Number Composed Magic Square F.

Magic Square L

The 7th order Magic Square L is fully defined by B (left top), M (left bottom), D (right bottom) and C (right top) and is included in F (right top) as discussed above.

Magic Squares A and E

The 4th order Border Magic Squares A and E should be selected in such a way that:

      a(3) + a(17) + a(129) + a(141) = MC4

thus ensuring that the Sub Square K will be magic as well.

Comparable with procedure PriemF9 as described above for Magic Square F, a procedure (PriemJ13) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated 9th order Magic Squares F;
  • to generate the additional 4th order Magic Squares B and D, based on the remainder of the available pairs, while ensuring that K is magic;
  • to construct intermediate 13th order Partly Completed Squares J1, composed out of F, A and E.

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Intermediate Square J1, composed out of F, A and E.

Magic Square I

The supplementary pairs, which should be added to Square C, to obtain the 7th order Eccentric Magic Square I, should be selected in such a way that:

      a(31) + a(45) + a(101) + a(115) = MC7 - a(59) - a(73) - a(87)

thus ensuring that the Square I will be magic.

Based on the above, a procedure (PriemI7) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated 13th order Intermediate Squares J1;
  • to select the supplementary pairs, which should be added to Square C, based on the remainder of the available pairs, while ensuring that I is magic;
  • to construct intermediate 13th order Partly Completed Squares J2, based on J1 completed with the supplementary pairs of I.

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Prime Number Eccentric Magic Square I as a part of the Partly Completed Square J2.

Magic Square H

The supplementary pairs, which should be added to Square I, to obtain the 9th order Eccentric Magic Square H, should be selected in such a way that:

      a(5) + a(19) + a(103) + a(117) = MC9 - a(33) - a(47) - a(61) - a(75) - a(89)

thus ensuring that the Square H will be magic.

Further it is convenient to split the supplementary rows and columns into three equal parts each summing to MC9/3.

Based on the above, a fast procedure (PriemH9) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated 13th order Intermediate Squares J2;
  • to select the supplementary pairs, which should be added to Square I, based on the remainder of the available pairs, while ensuring that H is magic;
  • to complete the 13th order Composed Magic Squares J, based on J2 completed with the supplementary pairs of H.

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Prime Number Eccentric Magic Square H as a part of the Completed Magic Square J.

Magic Square K

The 11th order Magic Square K is fully defined by A (left top), L (left bottom), E (right bottom) and H (right top), contains the square I (center) and is included in the overall square J (right top) as discussed above.

Attachment shows for miscellaneous Magic Sums the first occurring Prime Number Composed Magic Square K.

14.33.3 Conclusions (2017)

In previous section 13th order Prime Number Magic Squares, composed out of each other overlapping sub squares, have been constructed based on:

  • The defining equations of the order 4 and 5 sub squares;
  • The construction methods for Composed Magic Squares as discussed in Section 14.7.1;
  • Application of an intermediate results approach.

It should be possible to find more solutions, within the range of Magic Sums as shown in Attachment, by means of:

  • Allowing a longer Time Out time for the applicable steps of the construction process (applied time 60 seconds);
  • Starting the construction process with other aspects of (or other variables for) the sub squares G and C.

Verification whether solutions with smaller Magic Sums, as shown in Attachment, exist has been left open.

14.33.4 Addendum (2023)

While using a less restrictive procedure for PriemH9 it appeared to be possible to construct Magic Squares - composed of each other overlapping sub squares - with smaller Magic Sums, as illustrated below:

MC = 66131
9293 881 5237 4937 9473 797 8807 8681 1787 8537 5387 1931 383
4877 5297 10061 113 701 9377 1367 1493 8387 1637 4787 9791 8243
5501 4673 317 9857 41 10103 1511 8693 7583 1877 5801 2297 7877
677 9497 4733 5441 10133 71 8663 1481 2591 4373 8297 1811 8363
8093 2081 107 10067 3593 6173 7817 3371 4481 9011 1163 1307 8867
2447 7727 8741 1433 6101 7211 233 7433 4457 5903 4271 9161 1013
9221 953 2927 7247 4073 5717 2741 9941 2963 6473 3701 761 9413
587 9587 8573 1601 6581 5693 6803 2357 4001 7541 2633 9203 971
743 9431 251 9923 5087 641 7841 2333 9533 431 9743 9521 653
5657 4517 5003 167 10091 4871 7823 6971 683 3851 9227 6047 1223
8747 1427 10007 5171 83 5303 2351 3203 9491 6323 947 4127 8951
137 23 4943 10163 10169 3023 9311 5483 2531 2693 7517 7757 2381
10151 10037 5231 11 5 7151 863 4691 7643 7481 2657 2417 7793

Prime Number Magic Squares of order 13 - composed of each other overlapping sub squares - based on Consecutive Primes will be discussed in Section 14.13.49.

14.33.7 Summary

The obtained results regarding the 13th order Prime Number Magic Squares and related sub squares, as deducted and discussed in previous sections, are summarized in following table:






Corner Square (left bottom)



Pan Magic

Corner Element s5/5




Out of: B, G, D and C, includes L




Partly Completed: F, A and E




Partly Completed: F, A, E and I




Completed Square J
Completed Square K







Comparable routines as listed above, can be used to generate miscellaneous Prime Number Composed Magic Squares, which will be described in following sections.

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