14.0 Special Magic Squares, Prime Numbers
14.34 Magic Squares (14 x 14), Part II
14.34.11 Bordered Magic Squares(14 x 14)
Split Border
Alternatively a 14th order Bordered Magic Square with Magic Sum s14 can be constructed based on:
a Concentric Magic Center Square of order 10 with Magic Sum s10 = 10 * s14 / 14;
48 pairs, each summing to 2 * s14 / 14, surrounding the (Concentric) Magic Center Square;
a split of the supplementary rows and columns into three parts:
two summing to s4 = 4 * s14 / 14 and one to s6 = 6 * s14 / 14.
as illustrated below:
Mc14 = 16170
409 |
499 |
1823 |
1889 |
577 |
617 |
827 |
1609 |
1637 |
1663 |
1847 |
1747 |
587 |
439 |
1811 |
1901 |
487 |
421 |
1733 |
1693 |
1483 |
701 |
673 |
647 |
463 |
563 |
1871 |
1723 |
569 |
1741 |
331 |
337 |
1277 |
1879 |
1951 |
2017 |
1999 |
1279 |
281 |
199 |
1549 |
761 |
1831 |
479 |
2027 |
2243 |
229 |
2053 |
2207 |
97 |
149 |
2131 |
131 |
283 |
613 |
1697 |
787 |
1523 |
1013 |
173 |
2293 |
71 |
89 |
2153 |
2287 |
37 |
2137 |
1297 |
683 |
1627 |
859 |
1451 |
317 |
271 |
41 |
59 |
181 |
2113 |
2267 |
2269 |
2039 |
1993 |
709 |
1601 |
1009 |
1301 |
307 |
1997 |
73 |
2083 |
2297 |
29 |
211 |
2237 |
313 |
2003 |
829 |
1481 |
1399 |
911 |
379 |
223 |
107 |
197 |
43 |
2251 |
2129 |
2203 |
2087 |
1931 |
1559 |
751 |
1429 |
881 |
1327 |
241 |
2143 |
2281 |
2099 |
227 |
13 |
167 |
2069 |
983 |
1567 |
743 |
1447 |
863 |
1861 |
1913 |
2273 |
2239 |
2221 |
157 |
23 |
17 |
397 |
449 |
1583 |
727 |
1669 |
641 |
1877 |
2179 |
2081 |
257 |
103 |
2213 |
2161 |
179 |
67 |
433 |
653 |
1657 |
823 |
1487 |
2111 |
1973 |
1033 |
431 |
359 |
293 |
311 |
1031 |
2029 |
1979 |
1499 |
811 |
1619 |
1801 |
643 |
557 |
739 |
757 |
1021 |
1453 |
1471 |
1489 |
521 |
523 |
1867 |
1709 |
509 |
691 |
1667 |
1753 |
1571 |
1553 |
1289 |
857 |
839 |
821 |
1789 |
1787 |
601 |
443 |
Based on the principles described in previous sections, a fast procedure (Priem14c) can be developed:
to read the previously generated Concentric Magic Squares (10 x 10);
to generate the four Magic Rectangles (2 x 6);
to generate, based on the remainder of the pairs, the four Magic Corner Segments (4 x 4);
Attachment 14.34.11 shows
based on 10th order Concentric Magic Squares as discussed in Section 14.8.7,
one Prime Number Bordered Magic Square for some of the occurring Magic Sums.
Each square shown corresponds with numerous squares for the same Magic Sum.
14.34.12 Bordered Magic Squares(14 x 14)
Composed Border
Alternatively order 14 Composed Border Magic Squares with Magic Sum s14 can be constructed based on:
a Border composed out of:
- 4 (Semi) Magic Squares of order 4 with Magic Sum s4 = 4 * s14 / 14;
- 4 Associated Magic Rectangles order 6 x 4 with s6 = 6 * s14 / 14 and s4 = 4 * s14 / 14.
a Magic Center Square of order 6 with Magic Sum s6 = 6 * s14 / 14;
as illustrated below:
Mc14 = 16170
2243 |
1999 |
199 |
179 |
2039 |
2027 |
1297 |
337 |
443 |
787 |
2207 |
1741 |
379 |
293 |
149 |
229 |
2029 |
2213 |
727 |
317 |
523 |
1483 |
1901 |
1979 |
223 |
449 |
1811 |
2137 |
97 |
281 |
2081 |
2161 |
331 |
409 |
827 |
1787 |
1993 |
1583 |
173 |
499 |
1861 |
2087 |
2131 |
2111 |
311 |
67 |
1523 |
1867 |
1973 |
1013 |
283 |
271 |
2017 |
1931 |
569 |
103 |
1627 |
857 |
709 |
1427 |
2293 |
71 |
89 |
2153 |
2287 |
37 |
1951 |
521 |
479 |
1669 |
1559 |
877 |
983 |
1201 |
41 |
59 |
181 |
2113 |
2267 |
2269 |
1877 |
601 |
691 |
1451 |
991 |
1019 |
1061 |
1549 |
73 |
2083 |
2297 |
29 |
211 |
2237 |
1093 |
887 |
839 |
1801 |
761 |
1249 |
1291 |
1319 |
107 |
197 |
43 |
2251 |
2129 |
2203 |
509 |
1471 |
1423 |
1217 |
1109 |
1327 |
1433 |
751 |
2143 |
2281 |
2099 |
227 |
13 |
167 |
859 |
1619 |
1709 |
433 |
883 |
1601 |
1453 |
683 |
2273 |
2239 |
2221 |
157 |
23 |
17 |
641 |
1831 |
1789 |
359 |
2069 |
1667 |
421 |
463 |
1747 |
1723 |
1277 |
653 |
829 |
701 |
2179 |
1571 |
431 |
439 |
397 |
487 |
1733 |
2003 |
647 |
673 |
863 |
1487 |
1567 |
1693 |
313 |
557 |
1697 |
2053 |
307 |
577 |
1823 |
1913 |
617 |
743 |
823 |
1447 |
1637 |
1663 |
257 |
613 |
1753 |
1997 |
1847 |
1889 |
643 |
241 |
1609 |
1481 |
1657 |
1033 |
587 |
563 |
1871 |
1879 |
739 |
131 |
Based on the principles described in previous sections, a fast procedure (Priem14d) can be developed:
to read the previously generated (Concentric) Center Squares (6 x 6);
to generate, based on the remainder of the pairs, four 4 x 4 Associated Magic Squares;
to complete the Composed Border of order 14 with four 6 x 4 Associated Magic Rectangles.
Attachment 14.34.12a shows one Prime Number Composed Border Magic Square for some of the occurring Magic Sums.
If the applied properties are changed to:
the opposite Semi Magic Corner Squares (4 x 4) are Anti Symmetric and Complementary;
the opposite Rectangles (4 x 6) are Anti Symmetric and Complementary;
the Magic Center Square (6 x 6) is Associated;
the 14th order Composed Magic Square will be Associated.
Attachment 14.34.12b shows one Prime Number Composed Associated Magic Square for a few of the occurring Magic Sums.
Each square shown corresponds with numerous squares for the same Magic Sum.
14.34.13 Composed Magic Squares (14 x 14)
Overlapping Sub Squares
Following 14th order Composed Magic Square, with overlapping sub squares
and Magic Sum s14, contains following sub squares:
One 6th order Magic Center Square C;
Two each other overlapping 8th order Eccentric Magic Squares A1 and A2;
Two each other overlapping 10th order Eccentric Magic Squares B1 and B2;
Two 4th order Pan Magic Squares PM1 and PM2;
as illustrated below:
Mc14 = 16170
1571 |
683 |
709 |
1657 |
241 |
2027 |
2017 |
307 |
1999 |
313 |
1993 |
409 |
1913 |
331 |
691 |
1567 |
1481 |
881 |
2069 |
283 |
293 |
2003 |
311 |
1997 |
317 |
1901 |
1979 |
397 |
1619 |
743 |
829 |
1429 |
17 |
2083 |
2251 |
71 |
379 |
2143 |
29 |
2267 |
1973 |
337 |
739 |
1627 |
1601 |
653 |
2293 |
227 |
59 |
2239 |
1931 |
167 |
43 |
2281 |
421 |
1889 |
1019 |
1291 |
2113 |
197 |
2297 |
1669 |
179 |
1327 |
521 |
937 |
2237 |
73 |
1879 |
431 |
1811 |
499 |
229 |
2081 |
617 |
37 |
1061 |
2053 |
1553 |
1609 |
223 |
2087 |
439 |
1871 |
1499 |
811 |
271 |
2039 |
1013 |
1279 |
2243 |
103 |
911 |
1381 |
2213 |
97 |
1301 |
1009 |
1433 |
877 |
211 |
2099 |
929 |
1399 |
2207 |
67 |
1031 |
1297 |
2203 |
107 |
523 |
1787 |
1663 |
647 |
1877 |
433 |
701 |
757 |
257 |
1249 |
2273 |
1693 |
2269 |
41 |
449 |
1861 |
613 |
1697 |
199 |
2111 |
1373 |
1789 |
983 |
2131 |
641 |
13 |
23 |
2287 |
673 |
1637 |
1723 |
587 |
2179 |
149 |
281 |
1951 |
2129 |
173 |
157 |
2221 |
1559 |
787 |
827 |
1447 |
577 |
1733 |
2161 |
131 |
2029 |
359 |
181 |
2137 |
2153 |
89 |
1051 |
1217 |
1093 |
1259 |
643 |
1741 |
1709 |
563 |
1753 |
509 |
1823 |
479 |
463 |
1867 |
1123 |
1193 |
1117 |
1187 |
569 |
1667 |
601 |
1747 |
557 |
1801 |
487 |
1831 |
1847 |
443 |
887 |
1423 |
1583 |
727 |
Attachment 14.34.13a shows, miscellaneous order 14 Composed Magic Squares
(ref. Priem14f).
The corresponding Composed Magic Squares of order 18 contain, in addition to the sub squares mentioned above, following Corner Squares:
Two 6th order Eccentric Magic Squares
F1 and F2 with embedded
PM1 and PM2;
Two 12th order Eccentric Magic Squares
D1 and D2 with embedded
B1 and B2;
Attachment 14.34.13b shows, for the sake of completeness, miscellanous Composed Magic Squares of order 18
(ref. Priem14g).
14.34.15 Summary
The obtained results regarding the 14th order Prime Number Magic Squares and related sub squares, as deducted and discussed in previous sections, are summarized in following table: