Office Applications and Entertainment, Magic Squares

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14.0     Special Magic Squares, Prime Numbers

14.34    Magic Squares (14 x 14), Part II

14.34.11 Bordered Magic Squares(14 x 14)
         Split Border

Alternatively a 14th order Bordered Magic Square with Magic Sum s14 can be constructed based on:

  • a Concentric Magic Center Square of order 10 with Magic Sum s10 = 10 * s14 / 14;
  • 48 pairs, each summing to 2 * s14 / 14, surrounding the (Concentric) Magic Center Square;
  • a split of the supplementary rows and columns into three parts:
    two summing to s4 = 4 * s14 / 14 and one to s6 = 6 * s14 / 14.

as illustrated below:

Mc14 = 16170
409 499 1823 1889 577 617 827 1609 1637 1663 1847 1747 587 439
1811 1901 487 421 1733 1693 1483 701 673 647 463 563 1871 1723
569 1741 331 337 1277 1879 1951 2017 1999 1279 281 199 1549 761
1831 479 2027 2243 229 2053 2207 97 149 2131 131 283 613 1697
787 1523 1013 173 2293 71 89 2153 2287 37 2137 1297 683 1627
859 1451 317 271 41 59 181 2113 2267 2269 2039 1993 709 1601
1009 1301 307 1997 73 2083 2297 29 211 2237 313 2003 829 1481
1399 911 379 223 107 197 43 2251 2129 2203 2087 1931 1559 751
1429 881 1327 241 2143 2281 2099 227 13 167 2069 983 1567 743
1447 863 1861 1913 2273 2239 2221 157 23 17 397 449 1583 727
1669 641 1877 2179 2081 257 103 2213 2161 179 67 433 653 1657
823 1487 2111 1973 1033 431 359 293 311 1031 2029 1979 1499 811
1619 1801 643 557 739 757 1021 1453 1471 1489 521 523 1867 1709
509 691 1667 1753 1571 1553 1289 857 839 821 1789 1787 601 443

Based on the principles described in previous sections, a fast procedure (Priem14c) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated Concentric Magic Squares (10 x 10);
  • to generate the four Magic Rectangles (2 x 6);
  • to generate, based on the remainder of the pairs, the four Magic Corner Segments (4 x 4);

Attachment 14.34.11 shows based on 10th order Concentric Magic Squares as discussed in Section 14.8.7, one Prime Number Bordered Magic Square for some of the occurring Magic Sums.

Each square shown corresponds with numerous squares for the same Magic Sum.

14.34.12 Bordered Magic Squares(14 x 14)
         Composed Border

Alternatively order 14 Composed Border Magic Squares with Magic Sum s14 can be constructed based on:

  • a Border composed out of:
    - 4 (Semi) Magic Squares of order 4 with Magic Sum s4 = 4 * s14 / 14;
    - 4 Associated Magic Rectangles order 6 x 4 with s6 = 6 * s14 / 14 and s4 = 4 * s14 / 14.
  • a Magic Center Square of order 6 with Magic Sum s6 = 6 * s14 / 14;

as illustrated below:

Mc14 = 16170
2243 1999 199 179 2039 2027 1297 337 443 787 2207 1741 379 293
149 229 2029 2213 727 317 523 1483 1901 1979 223 449 1811 2137
97 281 2081 2161 331 409 827 1787 1993 1583 173 499 1861 2087
2131 2111 311 67 1523 1867 1973 1013 283 271 2017 1931 569 103
1627 857 709 1427 2293 71 89 2153 2287 37 1951 521 479 1669
1559 877 983 1201 41 59 181 2113 2267 2269 1877 601 691 1451
991 1019 1061 1549 73 2083 2297 29 211 2237 1093 887 839 1801
761 1249 1291 1319 107 197 43 2251 2129 2203 509 1471 1423 1217
1109 1327 1433 751 2143 2281 2099 227 13 167 859 1619 1709 433
883 1601 1453 683 2273 2239 2221 157 23 17 641 1831 1789 359
2069 1667 421 463 1747 1723 1277 653 829 701 2179 1571 431 439
397 487 1733 2003 647 673 863 1487 1567 1693 313 557 1697 2053
307 577 1823 1913 617 743 823 1447 1637 1663 257 613 1753 1997
1847 1889 643 241 1609 1481 1657 1033 587 563 1871 1879 739 131

Based on the principles described in previous sections, a fast procedure (Priem14d) can be developed:

  • to read the previously generated (Concentric) Center Squares (6 x 6);
  • to generate, based on the remainder of the pairs, four 4 x 4 Associated Magic Squares;
  • to complete the Composed Border of order 14 with four 6 x 4 Associated Magic Rectangles.

Attachment 14.34.12a shows one Prime Number Composed Border Magic Square for some of the occurring Magic Sums.


If the applied properties are changed to:

  • the opposite Semi Magic Corner Squares (4 x 4) are Anti Symmetric and Complementary;
  • the opposite Rectangles (4 x 6) are Anti Symmetric and Complementary;
  • the Magic Center Square (6 x 6) is Associated;

the 14th order Composed Magic Square will be Associated.

Attachment 14.34.12b shows one Prime Number Composed Associated Magic Square for a few of the occurring Magic Sums.

Each square shown corresponds with numerous squares for the same Magic Sum.

14.34.13 Composed Magic Squares (14 x 14)
         Overlapping Sub Squares

Following 14th order Composed Magic Square, with overlapping sub squares and Magic Sum s14, contains following sub squares:

  • One 6th order Magic Center Square C;
  • Two each other overlapping 8th order Eccentric Magic Squares A1 and A2;
  • Two each other overlapping 10th order Eccentric Magic Squares B1 and B2;
  • Two 4th order Pan Magic Squares PM1 and PM2;

as illustrated below:

Mc14 = 16170
1571 683 709 1657 241 2027 2017 307 1999 313 1993 409 1913 331
691 1567 1481 881 2069 283 293 2003 311 1997 317 1901 1979 397
1619 743 829 1429 17 2083 2251 71 379 2143 29 2267 1973 337
739 1627 1601 653 2293 227 59 2239 1931 167 43 2281 421 1889
1019 1291 2113 197 2297 1669 179 1327 521 937 2237 73 1879 431
1811 499 229 2081 617 37 1061 2053 1553 1609 223 2087 439 1871
1499 811 271 2039 1013 1279 2243 103 911 1381 2213 97 1301 1009
1433 877 211 2099 929 1399 2207 67 1031 1297 2203 107 523 1787
1663 647 1877 433 701 757 257 1249 2273 1693 2269 41 449 1861
613 1697 199 2111 1373 1789 983 2131 641 13 23 2287 673 1637
1723 587 2179 149 281 1951 2129 173 157 2221 1559 787 827 1447
577 1733 2161 131 2029 359 181 2137 2153 89 1051 1217 1093 1259
643 1741 1709 563 1753 509 1823 479 463 1867 1123 1193 1117 1187
569 1667 601 1747 557 1801 487 1831 1847 443 887 1423 1583 727

Attachment 14.34.13a shows, miscellaneous order 14 Composed Magic Squares (ref. Priem14f).

The corresponding Composed Magic Squares of order 18 contain, in addition to the sub squares mentioned above, following Corner Squares:

  • Two 6th order Eccentric Magic Squares F1 and F2 with embedded PM1 and PM2;
  • Two 12th order Eccentric Magic Squares D1 and D2 with embedded B1 and B2;

Attachment 14.34.13b shows, for the sake of completeness, miscellanous Composed Magic Squares of order 18 (ref. Priem14g).

14.34.15 Summary

The obtained results regarding the 14th order Prime Number Magic Squares and related sub squares, as deducted and discussed in previous sections, are summarized in following table:






Split Border


Attachment 14.34.11

Composed Border


Attachment 14.34.12a

Composed Associated Magic Square

Attachment 14.34.12b


Overlapping Sub Squares. Order 14


Attachment 14.34.13a

Overlapping Sub Squares. Order 18


Attachment 14.34.13b





Comparable routines as listed above, can be used to generate miscellaneous Prime Number Composed Magic Squares, which will be described in following sections.

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